
GMT restaurant chain

addressable fire alarm, The kitchen is gone...
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Chateau ArtWine

automatic fire piping, car sprinkler systems, fire pump, valve farming, Fire fighting system...
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Hotel monograph

fire station, automatic fire piping, fire extinguisher system, valve farming, fire reservoirs...
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Chateau King City

automatic fire extinguishing and fire fighting systems, addressable fire alarm system, evacuation signs, Fire door...
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Chateau Mukhran

Arrangement of fire pumping station UL/FM, fire alarm farm, Stainless steel piping...
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Monitoring of state electrical systems

Fire alarm system...
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Marneuli substation 220/500

Fire alarm system...
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ULS Terminal

addressable fire alarm system, evacuation signs, automatic fire extinguishing and fire fighting systems, fire station, fire ventilation, Fire doors...
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Sarajishvili cognac factory

addressable fire alarm system, evacuation signs, Fire fighting system...
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Dariali HPP

fire station, automatic piping for foam extinguishing, Arrangement of foaming reservoir and flood valve farm, Prefab fire tank...
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